Hello, and happy fall! Things have been quite busy lately. I was on vacation mid October and was planning on getting house work done.. yeah that didn't happen. I rested (much needed) a lot and got distracted. Being distracted actually happens a lot. I find it funny when it even happens during house work. I start cleaning and organizing, and then find something cool, or a project i've been meaning to try, or want to try another paint color on a wall. It's kind of endless, there is so much to do. But don't worry I do get house work done, it just takes a lot of discipline an self control. Distraction number 2- netflix. I put on a show or movie and end up watching it more than doing house work. Even things i've seen before. Distraction 3- Pinterest. It's probably the worst one. Though I consider it house work.. or um inspiration for house work... so that totally counts, right? Though I do love pinterest and getting ideas for my home, I do try to limit time on it and actually spend time doing projects. And for the last distraction, also computer related- The Sims. I am addicted to this game. I enjoy actually building and designing houses more than playing the game. I'm probably spent more time building, designing, and furnishing houses on there than my own. They make it easier though with all the materials and unlimited budget. Plus the houses can look super cool and realistic. I think i'm going to start posting things from the game. Mostly design ideas, furniture placement, and color ideas.
So that's why I haven't posted much on here, because i've been distracted. I don't want to get into the habit of just posting pinterest finds, inspiration boards, and not actually house projects. So with that, I better get to work!